Just a little background about me: I'm a maths teacher currently teaching in Australia but I've taught from Year 7 to 12 in the UK and South Africa. I had a couple of my students ask me to give them my board notes that I use to teach from but since I've moved schools some of my notes have been taken off-line and my old students can't get them anymore. So... here's the page. Feel free to grab what you want and leave what you don't. ;)
I have specifically not specified what year levels concepts relate to. That's for you to decide and to use your classwork as guidance. Some of the stuff will be beyond you, some might be too easy. If in doubt check with your teacher.
Also some of the notes connect to a lesson presented by yours truly! So click through to those for quick recaps on the concepts. The filming takes longer than the posting of notes so I'll be adding lessons as we go. You can navigate the notes via the links on the top of the right frame.
In addition to the videos I have collated a book with all the notes. The book is available in both Hard copy from Amazon and a digital Kindle version. You can find the links again in the top right frame to the respective sites.
This group will grow as I add more and if there is something specific you want to look at please drop me a line and I'll have a crack at it.
I'm here for you.
Mr Rouche.
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